About Me

My role as a Senior Data Scientist involves leveraging Data Science, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence to transform data into substantial business value. Recently, I orchestrated a win-back campaign that boosted revenue by over 60%. With skills in the Azure stack, Databricks, Snowflake/Snowpark, Synapse Analytics, Python, PySpark, SQL, R, React, .NET, JavaScript & Scala, I am fortunate to have what it takes to join teams seeking to optimize data processes, enhance product performance and/or realize ROIs sooner rather than later.

I am also the Founder & CTO at DataN1, an innovation hub that enables me to create AI-powered data products: end-to-end software and data integration, AI and machine learning implementation & product management. My latest is GenAIBro. For each data product created, data points and feedback are used to optimize user experiences and increase retention.